Archea Associati | 2016-2019
Concetta Tavoletta
Archea Associati studio’s goal for the Tirana stadium was to merge the idea of the recent past with an image of the future. While the architectural plan presents a high-tech stadium, it does not forget the historical connection to the pre-existing stadium. The stadium’s entrance starts from the original one designed by the Italian architect Gherardo Bosio.
After the earlier stadium was dismantled, the entrance was reconstructed by anastylosis to create continuity between the past and the present. The site plan layout echoes the theme of a “fort” with a watchtower, a flower opening to the city, enveloping it and guiding it towards a new image. The stadium is a place for more than sports, also including retail spaces, bars, and restaurants, giving it an identity as an autonomous area, like a canvas to experiment on with an innovative concept of a “center.”
The fascinating color scheme of the project is meaningful, evoking the colors of the Albanian flag, focusing on a decorative system that suggests the embroidery of traditional Albanian clothes. The tower, over 100 meters high, seeks to be not only a landmark as it also has the specific function of a hotel. As the design action involves high land-use, the Tirana Stadium seeks to make a tangible improvement to the urban space, and the city finds a key for recognizing itself and declaring itself as a central place of innovation on the international scene.
