GERVASI S.p.A. offers design, engineering, and global solutions for the building industry, restoration projects, and building services. The services that GERVASI S.p.A. offers range from residential, office, commercial construction to the recovery and preservation of historic buildings. Short turnarounds, competitive pricing, superior quality, and service throughout Italy: these are the strengths that make our company capable of responding with absolute professionalism to anything the market may require. Our engineering team has undergone multidisciplinary training in order to efficiently resolve every type of problem. GERVASI S.p.A. manages and facilitates every aspect of the entire decision-making and production process by acting as the client’s sole interlocutor. The company provides its customers with global solutions articulated in three sections: specialist services; works and supplies; and solutions for the recovery, restoration, and conservation of historic buildings. Our multidisciplinary engineering team is equipped to deal with every aspect of the architectural restoration of prestigious historic buildings. Each project is prepared in detail based on careful preliminary studies. Our team is always up-to-date on the latest techniques, so that restoration works are always carried out in an innovative but safe and non-invasive manner, in compliance with general construction principles.