Archea Associati | IN PROGRESS
Maria Gelvi
Addition and subtraction of material in the pursuit of a balance between full and empty spaces, the masterplan design in the hills of Ba Na, Vietnam is a succession of unexpected poetry. The project transformed the lay of the land here, working on connections and routes at different levels by inserting a network/fabric that connects the system’s multiple functions.
There is a clear intent to integrate the wild nature of the surrounding landscape in a design that takes its key catalysts from the setting, respecting the image of the places and their distinguishing traits.
As Archea Associati did for its extraordinary Antinori Winery, here it also works on shaping the tectonic space, inviting us to discover its uncommon natural beauty, the undisputed star on which the construction is based. The functional program alternates semi-covered walkways from east to west, which hold art works and objects, framing the extraordinary scenery in pleasant interludes.
The excavation hides an entirely underground wine cellar, whose only points of contact with the outside are represented by four large telescopes, each of which houses a tasting room.
