Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Richard William Seale, from Christoph Cellarius (Keller), Greciae antiquae et insularum conspectus

mid 18th century

Matteo Giro

Etching print

Detailed map of northern Greece and the southern Balkans, derived from the studies that Christoph Keller, known as Cellarius, dedicated to the reconstruction of classical geography. The map is included with the editions of Notitia Orbis Antiqui and Geographia Antiqua, published from 1686, the plates of which, engraved by William Herny Toms and Richard William Seale, provide a precise description of the Eastern European territories occupied by the Roman Empire.

Bibliography: Brunet I, 1724; Ebert 3868; Tooley’s Dictionary of Mapmakers, (1999), I, p. 134; Tooley’s Dictionary of Mapmakers, (2004), IV, p. 249; K. Batten-F. Bennett, The Printed Maps of Devon: County Maps 1575-1837, (1996), pp. 53-54.


Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Richard William Seale, from Christoph Cellarius (Keller), Greciae antiquae et insularum conspectus
Richard William Seale, from Christoph Ce...
mid 18th century